The user experience of websites has improved by leaps and bounds over the years, but I still run into sites that make me ask, “What were they thinking?!” From a…
Small details can make a big difference to the user experience, saving users' time, making it easier for them to spend money, or just generally making it more enjoyable. Some…
Many people in the usability community regard Steve Krug’s book Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability as the laypersons usability bible. This book explains briefly…
In my career as a user experience professional, part of my purpose has always been to help push our profession forward. And I’ve had the great privilege of being able…
“You cannot not communicate. Every behaviour is a kind of communication. Because behaviour does not have a counterpart (there is no anti-behaviour), it is not possible not to communicate.” Paul…
User Experience – dubbed UX for short – is a hot topic. In the broadest sense, it can be defined as the overall experience you have when you are using…
For decades, the most successful businesses thrived on product innovation as the natural strategy to increase revenues, market share, and loyalty. Fast forward to 2014: today’s product innovations, and the…
The following is a composite of experiences I’ve had in the last year when talking with startups. Some dialog is paraphrased, some is verbatim, but I’ve tried to keep it…
A couple weeks ago I suddenly saw a resurgence of interest in an article I wrote for Mashable in January 2009 titled 10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design.…
If your working week is anything like mine, I’d wager the term “discoverability” comes up often. Typically we use it when asking if a feature explains its presence and function.…