
How to design the best website user experience

Months after we launched a brand-new site design for our client, they returned. They wanted a new homepage. They were…

11 years ago

The difference between Usability and UX

The customer, looking for a new digital camera, goes to the large electronic retailer’s website. She quickly finds the camera…

11 years ago

Overview of UX for web designers

How many times have you been in the following situation? You just spent two weeks working on a design that…

11 years ago

Why UX is critical to customer relationships

With the explosion of social media and smart devices, customers are becoming incredibly sophisticated, elusive, and empowered. As a result,…

11 years ago

Using Dark Patterns for good

It was so frustratingly difficult to find the “sign out” button on Gmail that my father finally gave up and…

11 years ago

Design for readability

Text is not an afterthought in the design process. It should be your first consideration. Readability should be one of…

11 years ago

Usability starts with content

Before going any further, it’s important that we make one point very clear. Regardless of industry, niche or interest, the…

11 years ago

3 isn’t the magic number

At UX London I went to the Jared Spool workshop ‘Designing for Content-Rich Sites’. As expected I was entertained and…

11 years ago

Why UX is not 100% UI

IT courses would often advise that a misguided path is thinking that UX is equivalent to UI. The thing is,…

11 years ago

10 common misconceptions about UX

When I tell people that I am a user experience designer, I usually get a blank stare. I try to…

11 years ago