Presented on the Role of UX in Project Success, as well as debuting a Design Way of Work framework.
Towards the end of our 10 week program at General Assembly, we were again allocated into groups and this time,…
With everyone talking about cryptocurrency in the technology sector, you might think it would be more popular, but only a…
It’s easy to think that users hate redesigns because they don’t like how the new design looks like. While users…
To our own detriment, designers prefer to think about “how” much more than “why.” This was demonstrated in my blog…
“We need a dashboard for this product! Make it pretty! Something that will WOW in the sales cycle!” It’s a…
From zero real world experience to designing for billions at one of the world’s renowned hi-tech companies in 5 years.…
My wife, a nursing student, was sharing with her teacher about how passionate I am about technology in healthcare. Her…
From heavy hitters like Apple, Google, and IBM to growing startups, everyone seems to be implementing design thinking to drive…
Delivered an introductory talk on UX to final year Information Technology students at the University of Witwatersrand.