Have you ever spent a long time reading a web page? It might have seem long to you because of the large amount of text. But research shows that margins and line lengths affect reading speed and comprehension.
The ideal reading experience is one where users can read at a fast pace and understand the information afterwards. If you want users to experience this, you should optimize your margins and line lengths.
January 2025 has brought a wave of exciting advancements and strategic shifts in the financial…
Spoke at the inaugural Absa Experience Design Conference on Designing the Future through Prototyping. The…
Presented an overview of UX and Design Research concepts and tools to students at the…
User Experience Design is hard to get right. Good designers begin by attempting to understand…
Staying in tune with what users want means more loyal customers—and more revenue for companies.…
Staying in tune with what users want means more loyal customers—and more revenue for companies.…