
The art of war in UX: Performing a full site audit

Towards the end of our 10 week program at General Assembly, we were again allocated into groups and this time,…

7 years ago

The Usability of Cryptocurrency

With everyone talking about cryptocurrency in the technology sector, you might think it would be more popular, but only a…

7 years ago

Why Redesigns Don’t Make Users Happy

It’s easy to think that users hate redesigns because they don’t like how the new design looks like. While users…

7 years ago

Designers Are Defining Usability Too Narrowly

To our own detriment, designers prefer to think about “how” much more than “why.” This was demonstrated in my blog…

7 years ago

How To Make A Dashboard That Doesn’t Suck

“We need a dashboard for this product! Make it pretty! Something that will WOW in the sales cycle!” It’s a…

7 years ago

How I got to Facebook’s design team

From zero real world experience to designing for billions at one of the world’s renowned hi-tech companies in 5 years.…

7 years ago

How Bad UX Killed Jenny

My wife, a nursing student, was sharing with her teacher about how passionate I am about technology in healthcare. Her…

7 years ago

9 Design Thinking tools to try with your team

From heavy hitters like Apple, Google, and IBM to growing startups, everyone seems to be implementing design thinking to drive…

7 years ago

User Defenders Podcast

There are scores of inspirational UX Designers out there who are doing outstanding, innovative work and helping to shape the…

8 years ago

Best Practices for Microinteractions

Microinteractions are subtle moments centered around accomplishing a single task. Almost all applications around us are filled in with microinteractions.…

8 years ago